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Universal Symbolism

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Dove: In liturature, doves are used to represent peace. It is sometimes used jointly with other symbols of peace, especially world peace. This includes, the olive branch, rainbow or globe. The dove may also be a symbol of religious peace, as it is mentioned by the Bible (one such appearance occurs in the story Noah's Ark) and can be found accompaniing the ankh (An Egyptian symbol that represents eternal life in the underworld, the rebirth of a person, and the Sun's power). 

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Spider: In many cultures, the spider represents death or entorturement. In Africa, it represents a "trickster," in Greek Mythology, it represents a "decider of fate," in Christian cultures, it represents evil force, as well as good fortune due to the appearance of the cross on the backs of some spiders. In Chinese culture, it represents the bringing of good fortune from heaven, and is highly worshiped. 

Lion: In liturature, a lion can be used to symbolize the Sun and/or its power, domination,, anger and bravery.  The lion can often be used in accordance with sheilds, flags of banners representing particular rulers. The lion is also seen on Tarot cards, where it represents strength or power. It was used largely in Ancient mythology, and represented the Sun, worship and the power of rulers. 

Spring: A sign of birth or rebirth, Spring is an international symbol of promise and the future. The symbol of Spring may also be accompanied by flowers to represent youth, or can be found in correspondance with colors, particularly green, to represent the presence of beauty. 

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Color: In lituature, different colors can symbolize different things or add to the tone and mood of the writing. Usually, red represents excitemnet, passion, love, desire, strength, blood, fire and heat. In Japan, red represents happyiness. Usually, orange represents energy, balance warmth and attention, while yellow represents joy, happiness, sunshine, summer, hop and the ability to be optomistic. Green represents spring, renewal, health and good fortune, as well as jealousy (found in the saying "green with envy.")The color blue represents peace, tranquility conservation, trust and confidence, while purple represents wisdom, notability transformation and honor. Pink represents love, romance and care. Grey represents security, intellegence and modesty, white represents purity, simplicity or cleanliness. In Chinese cultures, it represents death. Black represents power and wealth as well as remorse, death or mourning. 

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Water is a symbol of various things, including the begining of life and the things that life relies on. Water can symbolize change becuase is is always moving anf flower is well as transforming into ice, water vapor and back again. Water can represent purity or cleanliness both literally and figuratively to wash away either physical or symbolic dirt or impurities. 


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Symbolism is the use of an object or idea to represent, stand for or suggest a different idea, beleif or action. In different cultures, the same symbols can represent different things. Sometimes, the representation between the symbol and the actual meaning, such as in a legend. However, the symbol is not always explained, especially in poetry. The following symbols are mostly found in poetry:

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