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The Haiku Poem
A haiku poem is a three-lined poem, each line containing a certain amount of syllables. The haiku is poem of Japanese origin, and usually describes a topic that relates in some way to nature. Some haikus may have only one stanza, while some may include multiple haiku dicussing the same or similar topics. When a group of haiku is written, it usually begins with a hokku. A hokku is a three-lined poem with a different amount of syllables than a normal haiku. The form of a haiku looks much like this:
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
Young Writers Corp. "What Is a Haiku Poem?" Young Writers.
Bonacia Ltd., 2012. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
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Over the Wintry
by Natsume Soseki
Over the wintry
Forest, winds in howl in rage
With no leaves to blow
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Connor, Ariadne. "Examples of Haiku Poems." YourDictionary. LovetoKnow Corporation, 19 June 1996. Web. 01 Nov. 2014.
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An Old Silent Pond
by Matsuo Basho
An old silent pond
A frog jumps into the pond
Splash. Silence again.
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Matsuo Basho - The first known poet to write a haiku.
Slowly, so slowly
Drawn from his horizon quilt
To rid of the night
The clouds have moved past
Nothing left but colorful
layers of a smile.
Extends his bright rays
Like golden arms, just waving.
A morning greeting.
Dark cloud windowshades
Threaten to release their cold
Pitter-patter drops.
Hours pass, the sun waits
Waiting, waiting. But for what?
He stiffles a yawn.
Thus diamond drops fall
And draw the dark cloud curtain
to awake the sun.
The sun waves “goodbye”
He slowly sinks into his
Soft horizon bed.
Soon comes his naptime
Someone so busy as he
Deserves a quiet break.
What a life it is!
Lounging upon cloud cushions
In the sofa sky.
Original Examples of Haiku Poetry
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The Sun's Day
by Brynn Siles
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Published Examples of Haiku Poetry
Poetic Perfection
Created by: Brynn Siles
Teacher: Klaudia Neufeld
Class: 7GT English
Date: 23 November , 2014
School: Hulstrom K-8 School