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A Better Beat

by Brynn Siles

A life that’s longing to exist, a heart longing just to beat

Will soon begin a life  full of promse. It starts with the first beat.


The joys of childhood make lasting memmories, so sweet

You find world is open while your heart gives a joyful beat.


The hourglass is mostly full, and the thought of time concrete,

You notice not its passing while you exploit a routine beat.


The hands of time are moving past, and soon love you shall meet.

You stole a heart and find your own has quickened to a rapid beat.


The sun will rise, the sun will set. You think your love complete.

But then arises argument. You’re left with a lonely beat.


Years will pass, the clock will tick, for time you just can’t cheat.

And hours go by like seconds as you stuggle through a fading beat.


The pages of the books are yellowed, worn a beat

You say yourlast goodbye, and your pulse fades into one last beat.


A ghazal poem is a type of poem that consists of an odd number of invivudual couplets. At the end of the second line of each couplet, the same word is repeated. Usually, all of the couplets have an "aa, aa, aa" rhyme scheme, depending on the number of couplets in the poem. In the first stanza, both lines end with the same word, although it may have a varying meaning from line to line. 

Academy of American Poets. "Poetic Form: Ghazal." Academy of American Poets, 30 Nov. 2001. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

Ghzal of the Better Unbegun

by Heather McHugh

Too volatile, am I? too voluble? too much a word-person?
I blame the soup: I’m a primordially stirred person.


Two pronouns and a vehicle was Icarus with wings.
The apparatus of his selves made an absurd person.


The sound I make is sympathy’s: sad dogs are tied afar.
But howling I become an ever more unheard person.


Academy of American Poets. "Poetic Form: Ghazal." Academy of American Poets, 30 Nov. 2001. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

The Ghazal Poem

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